Traditons and customs from all around the world!

All cultures have very specific traditions. We will tell you about a few of them, let us know if your culture comes up in the list and if we got the tradition or custom right. Also let us know about any cool traditions from your country in the comments so we can add them to the list!


1.Fighting over the bill in Turkey

Believe it or not but if you have a meal with a Turkish friend trying to pay for the bill can be quite the challenge. Turkish people are known to fight each other over paying the bill these arguments can go on for quite some time until one person backs down agreeing with the other person paying or if one of them found a way to sneakily pay the bill without the other one knowing.


2.Wife carrying championships in Finland

 Every year there is a wife carrying championship in Finland. Men carry their wives in different ways across different obstacles. The winner gets their wife’s weight in beer!


3.  Always tip when you go out to eat in the US

Although tipping is considered a nice gesture in most places in the world, in the US it is expected!  Not tipping is considered rude and waiting staff may be dependent on their customers tipping to make a full income.


4. Pointing with lips in Nicaragua

Pointing with your finger is most common, although in Indonesia and Malaysia they point with their thumb because pointing with your finger is seen as rude. In Nicaragua they have even taken it step further and they point with their lips. They simply pout their lips and turn them in the direction of what they are trying to point out to you. Try it for yourself, it sounds easier than it is!


5.Three kisses from your Dutch friends

Dutch people tend to greet each other by kissing each other on the cheek three times! They go through this greeting ritual with family and friends but also with new people they meet.


6. Spitting on the bride in Greece

Yes you heard it correctly in Greece they spit on the bride for good luck. This tradition has been around for a long time and has evolved into people making spitting sounds rather than actually spit on a person. It is a loving gesture and apart from weddings they also do it with children to bless them and wish them the best of luck.


7. Do not show the bottom of your feet in Thailand

Thai people will take offence if you show them the bottom of your feet. They find it extremely rude so try to avoid it at all cost.


Traditions and customs almost always have a long history and preserving them keeps cultures alive. Does your culture have any cool customs or traditions? Tell us about and we will add it to the list!


  • door Yolima
  • 1352 dagen geleden

4, also in Colombia its very handy 

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