Creative Women

Today, many things spark our children’s interests more than books. Reading, however, is extremely important. It’s a tool for knowledge building and communication. So how can we, as parents, ignite this passion for reading in our children?

Reading to my son at a library

In my experience, storytelling creates that spark. We can read stories to our children even when they are babies. This is actually the best time, as they are easily drawn to the beautiful illustrations.

As the storyteller reads, the child’s curiosity and imagination begin to open. They start picturing the world of that story and filling it with colors, sounds, and even smells! This becomes the seed of creativity– not only on an artistic level, but also in the ability to think outside the box.

Storytelling broadens the child’s vocabulary and encourages social skills. A storytelling session is two-directional: the storyteller reads and the audience listens, and then the roles are reversed when the listener engages in active questions or their own versions of the story. Storytelling is one of the best moments of parent-child bonding. So, make time and read together with your child! Visit your local library, choose a book together, and start reading. Encourage their curiosity, and most importantly, enjoy the story. 

Here in Eindhoven, there’s a non-profit English library for children, called The Reading Pier. It is located within the children’s section of the Eindhoven Library, and houses nearly 3,000 books. If you have the time, do attend the weekly storytelling sessions in English for kids at the library! It is also a good opportunity to meet other internationals here.  


Euying Chong

The Reading Pier

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